Monthly Garden Tips
Feed citrus early Autumn, fertilize gardens with a slow release fertilizer.
Trim back coprosma, lavender, Hebes, choisya tenata.
-Hydrangeas – cut back and out weak canes and prune back the stronger canes back to 2 or 3 of the plump lateral buds.
-Spray stone fruit trees with a copper fungicide at tight bud stage, or every 7 days until bud burst into flower. This prevents leaf curl and other diseases.
-Prune roses and conifers.
-Citrus, place wood ash around the base of the trees. This will reduce dry rot borer and boost new growth.
-Apple and pear trees need to be sprayed to protect against fungi.
-Cut back apple and pear fruit trees late winter/early spring. The best time to prune plums, nectarine, peach and apricot trees is late summer to early Autumn during a dry day.
-Cut back Hibiscus & Bougainville.
-Best time to divide grasses, ferns, bromeliads, cannas.
-In Spring feed citrus and gardens.
-Camellias can be trimmed and fed.
-Apple and pear trees are prone to codling moth. Apply fruit fly and insect sprays every 2 weeks.
-Cut back Olive trees but only on a dry day